Established in 2019, Qrego is one of the leading manufacturers, exporters, and suppliers of superior quality fabrics, including coated fabrics & polyester fabrics. With the focused aim and continues hard work, Qrego holds complete expertise and it's a proficient and technologically advanced manufacturer.At Qrego we want to prove our expertise by introducing fabrics that the world could rely on with "eyes closed".

Our intention at every instace is to be diligent and focused on our manufacturing process to manufacture excellent products; by a cumulative effort of our advanced technology, devoted team and highest quality standards, we produce flaw-free fabrics and let only the worthy products penetrate the market that adhere both to the national and international standards.

“Expertise In The Science of Fabrics

QREGO Mission & Vision

Qrego holds complete expertise and it's a proficient and technologically advanced manufacturer. At Qrego, we want to prove our expertise by introducing fabrics that the world could rely on with "eyes closed".

Our Mission

At Qrego, our everyday operations are rooted in quality standards and our mission is to maintain this norm throughout our journey. By incorporating advanced engineering and innovation, we seek to deliver effective fabric products to the market.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to create a better customer experience by helping them achieve more reliable products and enhance the quality of lives of those who are exposed to our products. We accomplish this through our product manufacturing expertise through which we design reliable products.

Our Values

Qrego holds complete expertise and it's a proficient and technologically advanced manufacturer. At Qrego, we want to prove our expertise by introducing fabrics that the world could rely on with "eyes closed".


Our intention in every instance is to be diligent and focused on our manufacturing process to make excellent products.

Excellent Material Quality

Best Customer Experience

Extensive range of products

State of art technology

Director Talk

A New And Strong Tradition of Commitment

We would say that "Qrego" is not just any other company but it is a dream that we want to manifest. It is a company that has been established to achieve our vision to become one of the most significant fabric manufacturing company in India. With adequate skill, advanced engineering and sufficient team support, we are on our way to forming a coveted position in this field. By estblishing this company we have taken a big leap in the fabric manufacturing guild.

By starting Qrego, we have begun a vogaye to present our "exclusive fabrics" to the world. Our commitment to excellence and quality will forever be reflected through our products, and quality is what will guide us through this vogaye. We assure you of our best assistance and expect to recieve the same from you, which we think is the key to overcome the challenges easily and swiftly.

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